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Angela M. Odom

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Empowering Women To Lead With Confidence and Purpose


Author, Leadership Coach, and Founder of The Better U Project

Discover My Leadership Journey

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This 'Productivity Tips Successful Women Use to Create Less Busy Routines' download will revolutionize how you schedule yourself!

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Leadership Clarity

Listen. Subscribe. Share the weekly Better U Leadership Podcast. Learn the nuances of personal development with the intent of earning more respect and revenue.


Increase Your Leadership Capacity

Invest in private 1:1 coaching to help you become a better leader or more!

Leadership Credibility

I offer women in supervisory and managerial positions training and events to elevate the relationships that matter.



Angela M. Odom is a leadership developer with extensive high stress, international and graduate level academic experience. She has shared thought-provoking concepts on VoyageATL, Rebelpreneur, The Sanity Project, Josieology, and her own Better U Leadership podcast. Angela is a laid back, fun-loving retired US Army Colonel. She operates with simple insight, wisdom and effective hands on leadership strategy that will bring out the best in your people and processes despite trying times. She's a leadership strategist who helps her clients gain clarity, confidence, and coins.


You're invited to join Angela's private coaching program: Become A Better Leader in 100 Days

It's Your Time To Lead


"Thank you mindset coach for giving me the tools and the inspiration to get healthy"

Denise B.
High School Teacher

"Thanks!!! Even at 60 you can learn something new and continue growing in a positive manner. "

Vaseal M.
Business Owner

"This challenge has been a real eye opener for me......excellent program!"

Gina R.
Claims Agent
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