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Angela M. Odom

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Do you prefer presence over presents?

2016 holidays Dec 19, 2016

Shout out to folks who love, love, love this time of the year.

Some folks radiate goodness and kindness (now we all have our ups and downs). They are intent on lifting others and living positive lives. They know it's not about how many church services they attend, it's about having a personal relationship with their God. My Christ filled Facebook Friends range from bible toting, scripture quoting ministry leaders to folks who are quietly talking to their God on a daily, weekly, monthly and / or annual basis.

I am a Christian all of the time. I am not concerned with whether you think I am Christian enough or religious enough. I am enough; destined for greatness and unapologetic.

Real Talk: Christmas Day is in a few days.

Many people are putting a lot stuff and things on their credit cards. They are trying to impress, influence, or persuade someone that they care or that they have more dollars than they really do.

Don't get me wrong, I will purchase a few gifts, however I will not over extend myself financially this Christmas season or in the year 2017.


In the past, I found that most folks appreciate my presence more than my presents.

I have decided to give my time and attention to others and pay off my credit cards. I am done with debt. For me, it's all about genuine connections.

When I shared my BIG IDEA with my son, he called his aunt (my sister) and asked if he could spend Christmas at her house. Smart Boy (lol)  

I am curious about your Christmas traditions.  Do share......

Be Encouraged

Angela M. Odom,

Author, Life Coach and Founder of Push Through Academy





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