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Angela M. Odom

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7 Life Skills Everyone Should Master

2016 winning or learning Jul 20, 2016


“Success is to live life openly, authentically, and lovingly in a way that is aligned with the highest good of self and others.” Joyce Marter

However we define success, we intuitively know that any level of success comes from action which comes directly from a set of specific skills.  The term,  Life Skills is defined in the oxford online dictionary as a skill that is necessary or desirable for full participation in everyday life. I am utterly amazed at how many skills I have to teach my son.  I mistakenly thought he would just wake up and have all of the tools he needed to be successful in life. (Joking)

 I grew up in a financially poor yet loving, supportive home environment, served honorably in the US Army for over 26 years, retired in the military rank of colonel and earned two Masters Degrees and still I lack some life skills.  After achieving a measure of success in both my personal and professional life, I realize success is relative.  Once I gain a specific skill and reach a measure of success I continue to learn and develop new skills.

There are 7 life skills I believe everyone should obtain beyond the basic skills such as reading, writing, counting, driving and using a computer. My premise is based on my proven life experiences.

Convey your thoughts and ideas effectively.  Developing all forms of communication in all of the different types of relationships in your life is the most crucial life skill. Words matter. Say what you mean and mean what you say.  Ineffective communication is at the root of most issues or problems between family members, friends, acquaintances and office mates.  Two things I observed that seems to work for most people is to start the conversation with a smile (when it is appropriate) and to listen for understanding and empathy.

How to communicate effectively at work
Four types of communication
Book: Skill with people

Continuously improve your money management skills.  Money management or the lack thereof is the object of much stress in our lives.  Lots of folks are one or two paychecks away from being BROKE.  It is essential that we acquire effective money management skills.6 money resolutions you should make in 2016

Helping your kids understand the value of money and the importance of savings
Book: The Money Class: How to stand in your truth and create the future you deserve 

Develop a problem solver mindset.  Everyone makes decisions every day.  When you develop a problem solver mindset you focus on results and know that you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals.What is problem solving?
How to solve a problem in 3 steps–Define it, Redefine it, Repeat
 Book: Problem Solving 101:  A Simple Book for Smart People

Engage in face to face conversations.  In our society, we seem obsessed with smart phones and digital devices.  Sometime we would rather text than talk.  We send emails to people in the next cubicle.  It is really insane.  The simple art of engaging in a face-to-face conversation is a great life skill to teach and to master.How to make conversation-Improve your social skills

5 ways to have great conversations
Book: Conversationally Speaking: Tested New Ways to Increase Your Personal and Social Effectiveness

Know how to resolve conflicts.  Conflicts are inevitable because we are human.  Resolving and managing conflicts in a healthy and responsible manner is key to growth and development. Whether you are a leader of a group or a contributing member within group, your skills, knowledge and abilities can be utilized to achieve a worthwhile goal.

Teamwork 101: 6 Steps to Becoming a Better Team Player
10 Tips for Resolving Conflict
Book: Getting to a Yes: Negotiating an Agreement Without Giving In

Establish organization and routines.  Establishing systems enhances your time management skills, goal settings skills, creates confidence and enables you to accomplish more. For example, a friend led a paint party at my house. He arrived with a big ole black container on the back of his truck. It contained everything he needed. I was responsible for the paint. I was impressed with his level of productivity and focus. He did not waste time researching or pondering the next step or running back and forth to the store because he organized and prepared to paint.Six tips to improve your time management skills

How to set goals: 10 steps to stay focused
10 habits of really organized people
Book: One year to organize your life

Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Physical, mental and emotional health is crucial to our quality of life . Successfully maintaining a healthy lifestyle takes discipline and commitment.4 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle
15 ways to be healthier
Book: Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results
What Else?

How do you define life skills?  What did I miss?  I am certain there are a bazillion other pertinent life skills that are applicable to your success. Share your comments.

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